Professor Ge Wang has been appointed the Editor in Chief of the journal IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. This is the premier journal in medical imaging and AI and Ge's appointment as Editor in Chief highlights his standing in the field.
See the IEEE press release here: https://www.ieeetmi.org/new-eic
About Ge Wang:
Prof Ge Wang (Fellow, IEEE, SPIE, AAPM, OSA, AIMBE, AAAS, and NAI) holds MS in remote sensing from Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University at Buffalo, USA. He is currently the Clark & Crossan Endowed Chair Professor and Director of the Biomedical Imaging Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA. He published the first paper on cone-beam spiral CT in 1991, and subsequently authored numerous papers on theories, methods, and applications in this pivotal CT area. With his collaborators, he developed interior tomography theory and methods to solve the long-standing “interior problem” for high-fidelity local image reconstruction. He pioneered bioluminescence tomography as a new molecular imaging modality. He published the first perspective on AI-based tomographic imaging in 2016 and wrote a series of papers on this theme in Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communications, Patterns, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), Medical Image Analysis, and other journals, as well as the first dedicated textbook on deep tomographic imaging. His accomplishments have been featured in Nature, Science, PNAS, and major media outlets. He has published over 700 journal papers and holds more than 170 issued or pending patents. He is the Lead Guest Editor of six special issues for IEEE TMI and the Editor of the IOP Book Series on AI in Biomedicine. He chaired major imaging conferences including IEEE ISBI, Fully3D, AAAS Symposia, SPIE CT conferences, and delivered numerous seminars, keynote and plenary speeches including the 2021 X-ray Track Plenary Talk for SPIE Optics and Photonics. His recent awards include the 2021 IEEE EMBS Career Achievement Award, 2022 SPIE Meinel Technology Award, 2022 Sigma Xi Chubb Award for Innovation, 2023 RPI Wiley Distinguished Faculty Award, 2023 IEEE R1 Outstanding Teaching Award, 2023 IEEE NPSS/NMISC Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award, and 2024 IEEE TRPMS Best Paper Award.